Herbert A. Franke's picture

Arp Museum

Arp Museum Rolandseck train station.

The new building by the US architect Richard Meier above the train station had its topping-out ceremony on October 18, 2005, almost a year after the foundation stone was laid on October 23, 2004. It was inaugurated on September 29, 2007 with the opening of the museum in the presence of Chancellor Angela Merkel.
33 million euros were budgeted for the entire construction project, of which 14.3 million euros were made available from compensatory funds from the Berlin/Bonn Act (agreement on compensatory measures for the Bonn region), the other half came from the state of Rhineland-Palatinate , which was also the builder.
The exhibition space in the new building covers 2900 square meters. The costs for the new building amounted to €25.4 million. Of this, the federal government contributed €17.6 million and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate €7.8 million. The remaining amount of €7.4 million was used to renovate the station.
The new building and the historic station building are connected by a tunnel and an elevator. The tunnel is a replica railway tunnel (but not part of the real former railway line). It is illuminated by a 17 m long neon light spiral by Barbara Trautmann (Kaa, named after the snake in the Jungle Book, installation from 2007).
Quote: Wikipedia

Canon 5D Mark IV Canon: EF16-35mm f/4L IS USM
16 mm · f/5 · 1/1250 sec · ISO 200
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Always enjoy your work and this is no exception. Perfect timing with the contrails!

Thank you very much, Michael, for your kind comment. Greeting Herbert